Regular Session: March 18th, 2024
Ordinance No. DOI-010 (2024) | An Ordinance amending the firearm offenses (Sections 7-74 and 7-7-5) of the Northern Cheyenne Law and Order Code. Enacted on March 18th, 2024, and received on March 22nd, 2024. Passed, adopted, and approved March 18th, 2024.
Ordinance No. DOI-011 (2024) | An Ordinance amending the Northern Cheyenne Law and Order Code to enhance public health and safety and prevent human trafficking. Enacted on March 18th, 2024, and received on March 22nd, 2024. Passed, adopted, and approved March 18th, 2024.
Resolution No. DOI-077 (2024) | A Resolution of the Northern Cheyenne Tribal Council appointing Yoland Fraser as the primary representative and Rosie Harris as the alternate representative on the state MMIP taskforce. Enacted on March 18th, 2024, and received on March 22nd, 2024. Passed, adopted, and approved March 18th, 2024.
Resolution No. DOI-078 (2024) | A Resolution of the Northern Cheyenne Tribal Council approving the request to the Bureau of Indian Affairs for attorney fees and funds for Water Rights Matters for FY 2024. Enacted on March 18th, 2024, and received on March 22nd, 2024. Passed, adopted, and approved March 18th, 2024.
Resolution No. DOI-079 (2024) | A Resolution of the Northern Cheyenne Tribal Council authorizing submission of a Montana Department of Transportation, Safe on All Roads (SOAR) grant for the fiscal year 2025 grant year. Enacted on March 18th, 2024, and received on March 22nd, 2024. Passed, adopted, and approved March 18th, 2024.
Resolution No. DOI-080 (2024) | A Resolution of the Northern Cheyenne Tribal Council to establish founding membership to the Red Shield 8 Nations, INC. Enacted on March 18th, 2024, and received on March 22nd, 2024. Passed, adopted, and approved March 18th, 2024.
Resolution No. DOI-081 (2024) | A Resolution of the Northern Cheyenne Tribal Council authorizing the Northern Cheyenne’s Tribe’s intent to enter into a Public Law 93-638 self-determination contract with the United States Government to administer the agriculture program on the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation for FY 2024 and subsequent years. Enacted on March 18th, 2024, and received on March 22nd, 2024. Passed, adopted, and approved March 18th, 2024.
Resolution No. DOI-082 (2024) | Approval of participation in coalition submitting amicus brief in held litigation. Enacted on March 18th, 2024, and received on March 22nd, 2024. Passed, adopted, and approved March 18th, 2024.
Resolution No. DOI-083 (2024) | Resolution of the Northern Cheyenne Tribal Council approving a contract with Law and Order consultant. Enacted on March 18th, 2024, and received on March 22nd, 2024. Passed, adopted, and approved March 18th, 2024.