The Northern Cheyenne Youth Council began under resolution no. DOI - 087 (2024) on April 11, 2024.
In cooperation with President Serena Wetherelt, and with the support of the Tribal Council, the NCYC came to life. The objectives of the NCYC shall be to provide a collective voice and represent the tribal youth in all matters that concern them; to serve as a means of mobilizing and coordinating the actions of youth, other community members, and organizations toward positive goals; to promote the development of future Tribal Leaders; to help solve problems facing Northern Cheyenne Youth and all Tribal Youth across Turtle Island; to coordinate school and community service projects and provide opportunities for the youth to interact for fun, fellowship, and collective community healing. The Northern Cheyenne Youth Council (NCYC) consists of 7 on-reservation seats – 1 Ashland District seat, 1 Birney District seat, 1 Muddy District seat, 2 Lame Deer District seats; and 1 off-reservation seat. Northern Cheyenne Youth Council members each serve a one-year term. NCYC members must be between the ages of 13 and 20 years old at the time of election. Youth council members may turn 21 and continue to serve during their elected term.