Regular Session (Rescheduled) October 22nd, 2024

October 22nd, 2024, Agenda & Highlights

  1. District Updates | District Chairs

  2. Budgets | Debra Charette

  3. Permanent Fund | Kristi Killsnight

  4. OST | Kristi Killsnight

  5. Indigenized Energy | Donica Brady

  6. CDKC Charter Update/Amendment | Melissa Lonebear

  7. Climate Trust Contract | Norma Gourneau

  8. Contract Major Robinson - Red Stone | Noram Gourneau

  9. CKP Insurance | Norma Gourneau

  10. Groundwater Monitoring | Jason Whiteman

  11. NC Law & Order Code Revision - 10-day public comment - Judge David Roundstone


Ordinance No. DOI-003 (2025) | An Ordinance of the Northern Cheyenne Tribal Council amending the Charter of Chief Dull Knife College. Motion Carried. Enacted October 21st, 2024. Passed, Adopted, and Approved October 21st, 2024.


Resolution No. DOI-008 (2025) | A Resolution of the Northern Cheyenne Tribal Council authorizing the modification and or adoption of certain budgets for the expenditure of available funds. Motion Carried. Enacted October 21st, 2024. Passed, Adopted, and Approved October 21st, 2024.

Resolution No. DOI-009 (2025) | A Resolution of the Northern Cheyenne Tribal Council authorizing the modification and or adoption of certain budgets for the expenditure of available funds. Motion Carried. Enacted October 21st, 2024. Passed, Adopted, and Approved October 21st, 2024.

Resolution No. DOI-010 (2025) | A Resolution of the Northern Cheyenne Tribal Council authorizing the modification and or adoption of certain budgets for the expenditure of available funds. Motion Carried. Enacted October 21st, 2024. Passed, Adopted, and Approved October 21st, 2024.

Resolution No. DOI-011 (2025) | A Resolution of the Northern Cheyenne Tribal Council authorizing the first submission of the fiscal year 2025 from the Office of Special Trust account PL7320-70-5 for the general fund operating budget. Motion Carried. Enacted October 21st, 2024. Passed, Adopted, and Approved October 21st, 2024.

Resolution No. DOI-014 (2025) | A Resolution of the Northern Cheyenne Tribal Council to contract with Major Robinson, Redstone project development regarding the Northern Cheyenne Justice Center project. Motion Carried. Enacted October 21st, 2024. Passed, Adopted, and Approved October 21st, 2024.

Resolution No. DOI-015 (2025) | A Resolution of the Northern Cheyenne Tribal Council renewing the Agriculture and Pasture, Rangeland, Forage application with CKP Insurance. Motion Carried. Enacted October 21st, 2024. Passed, Adopted, and Approved October 21st, 2024.

Resolution No. DOI-016 (2025) | A Resolution of the Northern Cheyenne Tribal Council authorizing one (1) well site on Tribal Trust Land to conduct groundwater monitoring related to the Northern Cheyenne Tribe’s Water Rights on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation. Motion Carried. Enacted October 21st, 2024. Passed, Adopted, and Approved October 21st, 2024.

Please reach out to Tribal Services Director Wallace Bearchum for copies of the Ordinances & Resolutions | 406-477-4841

Longshot of Tribal Chambers during meeting.

Meeting in Progress. Image credit: Chloe Ortega | Northern Cheyenne Tribal Council Public Information Officer & Web Designer

Mid-shot of representative from Indigenized Energy sitting down speaking to the Tribal Council.

Indigenized Energy - Cody Two Bears Image credit: Chloe Ortega | Northern Cheyenne Tribal Council Public Information Officer & Web Designer


Regular Session: November 4th, 2024


Regular Session: October 7th, 2024